
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

POTUS is best prolife President US ever had

When y'all are voting remember that preserving the human race from premeditated destruction by groups such as the United Nations that set Millenium goals of "Zero Population", is one of the most important task of each and every human in the United States who cares about this nation as a whole and individually.

Please vote prolife. Educate yourself on the prolife candidates and vote accordingly. Also, remember that the Republican Party has a PROLIFE platform whereas the democrats are the party of death.

The politics of the democrats are socialism which in every century historically and in every country where it is the form of government, the government starts killing its population to continue its power and to be able to afford the giveaways that socialism promises to buy votes.

VOTE PROLIFE. REELECT DONALD J TRUMP AS PRESIDENT because he has done great things for the preborn humans. In fact, more than any other President.

Also, news in The Washington Times yesterday 22nd July, said "A federal judge in San Francisco has ruled that pro-life activists who shot undercover video at Planned Parenthood clinics can defend their actions as journalism at their trial in September, greatly lessening any potential penalties under state and federal laws for posing as biomedical officials to secretly record interviews."
That means when journalists including citizen journalists document illegal activities of a group that kills; and publishes it, it is covered under the First Amendment freedom of press clause. That is very good news for baby humans because the evil killing groups use propaganda, outright lies, smoke screens and a variety of illegal methods to hide their activities from the public, who generally do not approve of premeditated murder of human babies.

Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist in all mediums, Springfield, Missouri on 23rd July 2019 at 9:04am.