
Friday, May 29, 2020

A person's a person no matter how small

Parents who read to their children will recognize that sentence I put as a title. It is a sentence in one of Dr Suess's books for children. Dr Seuss is a pseudonym for a real doctor who wrote children's books. That personhood status is the debate these United States should be having, but night after night in the news are dozens if not hundreds of articles on the invisible virus attacking mostly grown-ups. Health care has been turned upside down as the sick were told to stay at home and use telemarketing to diagnosis themselves and avoid hospitals where they might become sick if they weren't before. However, nosocomial infections have been around a long time. All epidemiology experts know that.

I believe from comparing the situation the world is facing now with events in the Holy Bible and historical records that GOD HIMSELF is changing attitudes. All those people who didn't want to debate when life begins, are now debating when life ends. The flip side of the coin so to speak.

Here are some of the issues I read about when I logged into a gmail of mine tonight:

1)Do very sick coronavirus infected HUMANS "outrank" politically the tiniest, most defenseless well-baby HUMANS in their mothers' wombs, when it comes to delivery of services, food, decent treatment? Should US kill babies in womb and destroy itself saving people older than babies?

2) Should the advanced age get ventilators while killing centers kill more human babies in a few months than coronavirus has killed around the world?

3)Should United States grind to a halt to save those who tend to be of advanced age while simultaneously declaring sleazy businesses such as killing centers, tattoo parlors, massage parlors to be "essential services"?

4) What has happened to America?

Some of the good news through all of this :
there are six articles in NIH [National Institute of Health's PubMed ] debating personhood.

Personhood is being discussed more than ever in churches, legislatures, houses of worship; by the very educated and the not so much educated, by those who are mothers and those who rejected womanhood and worked in the killing fields. The terms of the debate are changing.

As America watches the body bags being loaded into vehicles the debate of living for GOD by GOD's laws [Exodus chapter 20, KJV] versus living a reprobate life apart from GOD and dying a premature death is moving to center stage everywhere. Religion is coming back into favour as we the people realize unless GOD saves us, we collectively as the human race are doomed by the tiniest organism--a virus. Is it the wrath of GOD? Is coronavirus one of GOD's plagues of the Bible to change the hearts and souls of people to cause them to turn back to GOD?

The legal concept of "person" is not a difficult concept. Even a very small child when he places his hand on his mother's belly as her unborn baby kicks will call the unseen but felt human in the womb, a baby. A child understands the difference in a human baby and an animal.

The Webster's New World College Dictionary defines a "person as a human being distinguished from a thing or lower animal". The English version The Winston Dictionary uses almost identical words to define a person. Yet, legal debates are ensuing over whether animals are "legal persons" with rights and privileges in the law, all the while ignorant Judges declare humans in the stage of human development in the womb [a hard science and a medical specialty] to be non-humans for the sake of those who desire to kill them.

When did America become so purposely obtuse? Killing of the innocent with premeditation is not an "essential business" . It is evil and as a nation we have to stop it.

I am a Registered Nurse for a long time. I was an Infection Control Nurse at one place. I was doing my part to publicize how to avoid coronavirus on twitter and twitter suspended my accounts with no notice whatsoever, and for political reasons. Thus raising the question, are Registered Nurses important to our society? I decided to let not my heart be troubled about Twitter, reasoning that IF Twitter mattered to GOD, HE would sustain it; and my accounts too; and IF it didn't matter to GOD [if it is evil in other words] then it should not matter to me either. I do not want to participate in absolutely pagan rituals of slinging about words "moderated" by people with ZERO health care training.

This debate does not clarify these issues for the United States but writing this has clarified the issues for me. I much prefer to be pleasing to GOD than pleasing to a man [a CEO] who worships idols of fat manmade "buddhas".

So it is what it is. I cannot predict the future and seldom try too. Being labeled not essential to the existence of Twitter has not ruined me thank GOD, and when I realized their entire staff works from home, has no health care persons on their board as far as I have ever read, is deliberately censoring political and religious speech in violation of the US Constitution, I sort of lost respect for Twitter and their staff and officers. I changed my attitude about them, realizing they did not value education nor job experience in their assessments of who adds value to their platform and instead decided who they want to tweet based on billionaires' whims.

I still live in my private apartment in Springfield Missouri where I moved in Oct 2018 and I live alone. I am still creating art intermittently and writing also. I started a book years ago and think maybe I will begin again to write. There has to be some way of changing the world by believing GOD's words to be true and living by them.

Today is 29th May 2020 at 10:08pm, central time. I am Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist; Springfield Missouri and I wrote this tonight.