I admire the well known artist Mary Cassatt and her paintings of children and mothers. I think I have to practice more [drawing/ painting sketches] before I am good enough to paint children in oils; though I have created 1-2 of children in oils. I hope you enjoy these.
The first sketch is a toddler playing in a hat.
The second sketch is a mama and her baby at the swimming pool and the sun is hot so baby has a sun hat.
The third sketch is of a refugee child in a mission. It was not firmly attached to my drawing board when I photographed it again, but I have all of these actual sketches so might re-photo some of them again.
For the time being, they make a point. That I Gloria Poole, RN am also artist Gloria Poole of https://gloriapoole.blogspot.com and other blogs, and the same woman as artist-gloriapoole.blogspot and the same one of cartooning-by-gloriapoole.blogspot.com and other blogs as well. See the partial list on https://gloriapoole.blogspot.com to see more of the art I have created. I also write prolife blogs and that is when I use my professional title more.
Copyright: I Gloria Poole, RN also known as Gloria Poole; Gloria; G-L-O-R-I-A; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloria.poole; gloriapoole1749; gloriapoole.RN; gloria_poole; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; and other variations of my real, born with name of Gloria Poole, own all rights to the art I create.
Gloria Poole at my apt in Missouri which is my only residence; 2-Nov-2013 at 6:04pm.