
Sunday, August 30, 2020

Preventing coronavirus by Gloria Poole,RN of Springfield Missouri

As my readers know I, Gloria Poole, am a Registered Nurse who worked in hospitals for 26.5 years in several positions. When I worked in operating room I learned sterile technique for gowning and gloving. That information can help you prevent coronavirus so I am writing this post today as a public health message. I read in Reuters news today that there are 25 MILLION coronavirus patients worldwide so the risk continues.

I want to add a thank you to our wonderful prolife President who made the boldest statement at the Republican National Convention as he stood publicly before the nation and declared the right to life for all humans. I thought it was wonderful and I am praying GOD causes Pres Trump to be re-elected. Words of our President : "Tonight, we proudly declare that all children, born and unborn, have a God-given right to life.” That speech by Pres Trump is on youtube in its entirety if you missed it.

I updated this same post to add in news that Missouri's law to protect unborn is headed to the Appeals Court as of 28th August. Read about it:

Here are my suggestions to avoid being infected with coronavirus or any virus:

Wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose when you are in public places where many people are; or in places not your own home; or when you are not in wide open spaces; or when you are surrounded by strangers such as shopping, church, entertainment events. Many cities have mandated the wearing of masks in public so abide by your local laws.

Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with copious amounts of soap. Lather up your hands and scrub between your fingers and your fingernails with a nail brush also to remove any virus or bacteria.

Do NOT handle pets! It's high risk any time but especially in pandemic. Pets are vectors. A vector is a carrier of a disease producing organism from a host to a non-infected person. Animals are vectors of a huge variety of diseases.

Wash your clothes, dish towels, table napkins, wash cloths, towels, masks daily. Do not let virus have a chance to multiply on items you wore yesterday. It is not merely your hands that get exposed but your clothes too when people exhale virus near you. So wash it off your clothes. Use plenty of soap to produce suds. Detergent is cheaper than a hospitalization for covid!

Wash damp, or sweaty clothes immediately. Damp cloth especially when it is on you is at a temperature of 98.6F [body temp] and that makes a good medium for growing bacteria or viruses. Don't give it a chance to multiply.

Pour bleach into your toilet and let it stand for ten minutes. In recent Bloomberg article is report that coronavirus was detected in toilets of an apartment down one floor from where a family in another apartment had coronavirus and the virus traveled through the pipes to a different apartment. A good bleach will kill viruses if allowed to stand 10 minutes on surfaces and if sufficient bleach was put into water. So disinfect your toilet and plumbing pipes.

Spray bleach onto your faucet handles and sinks and let stand 10 minutes for same reason. Think about it. When you turn on the water your hands are dirty so the faucet handles are contaminated too. Disinfect them with bleach spray especially if you have been outside your home and around unknown persons who could possible have coronavirus and not know it.

Wear gloves and mask to clean toilets during pandemic [probably a good idea always] and close your eyes when you are swirling water around in toilet with brush. Operating rooms proved long ago that body fluids splatter and when contaminants get into the eyes, the mucuous membranes soak them up, thus exposing person to disease. So if you have a face shield wear it. If you don't close your eyes while swirling water around in toilet! Prevent splatters from getting on mucous membranes.

After cleaning any thing that you even think might be contaminated wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and then wash your face with soap and water. Remove any splatters or virus you might have gotten from the air.

Wipe down surfaces with bleach water.

If you are grocery shopping when you get back in your vehicle, use hand sanitizer but not the sort made in Mexico. The FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Agency] published that almost all of the dozens of varieties of hand sanitizers made in Mexico have a toxic substance in them that could cause blindness. Read the label on hand santiizers [and any product] before you buy it.

Scrape off dishes the leftover food. Food left on plates has been in contact with saliva which is a body fliud. Body fluids [saliva, blood, semen, urine, etc] all have ability to cause bacteria and or viruses to grown and multiply. To eat part of a meal requires that utensils or hands were on the eaten part which means salive could be left on plate. A virus is microscopic and there can be millions of them in a drop of saliva. So scrape the leftover food into disposal or into trash and seal it up, then rinse dishes and utensils until you can put them in dishwasher. Scald dishes if you have that setting on your dishwasher. Otherwise use as hot a water to wash as possible. Don't leave dirty dishes setting around. Don't expose you and your family to that risk of a bit of food teeming with virus that grew exponentially while dishes were waiting to be washed.

Wash your hair too after you are in public or crowded places such as churches or entertainment. Hair holds bacteria, which is why heads are covered in the operating room [and in most restaurants].

When you remove your gloves do it carefully so you don't contaminate your self. Grab the edge of each glove and turn it inside out upon itself as you peel it off, so that the contaminated outside is trapped inside glove as it comes off your hand. Repeat for other hand. Discard disposable gloves. Then wash your hands for 20 seconds with lots of soap and water.

When you remove mask [if not disposable] do not touch the outside of it. Put it in laundry bag by itself to wash ASAP. Wash your cloth masks when they get damp. If you are not at home when mask gets damp, change your mask and let the damp one dry [perhaps on dashboard of car in sun?] and put on clean dry mask for same reasons as stated. So bacteria & or virus cannot grow on them. You want to prevent damp contaminated air from getting into your lungs and also prevent other people from having to breathe in air you just breathed out that would be unfiltered if you were not wearing a mask.

Bathe yourself when you get back home if you got sweaty, or were among large groups of people or had physical contact with others not in your immediate family. Wash virus down the drain! Better in the drain than in your lungs or blood supply.

I am also doing all of these things. And teaching them to my 2 daughers and their families.

And last but most important pray that God will put a shield between you and evil as Bible promises for the believers.

Also I updated to add in this quote written by a medical doctor Kevin Pho:"Treat nurses and staff as equals, because most nurses know substantially more than we do right now. Invest in nurses as much as you want them to invest in your patients, "

in newsletter:"Above the fold in health care" The Front Page of Healthcare News on the Internet of Dr C Michael Gibson, MD.

And I updated this same post a gain to add in this url about how the black community is fighting back against abortion : I am a white woman just so you know my "perceived bias" as the Press says.

And updated to add in this video of "baby lives matter" painted on street in Charlotte, NC :

Posted by me Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse and artist in all mediums, from my own apartment in Springfield Missouri from my own equipment, [as usual] on 30 August 2020 at 1:31pm central time. I have other computers, other telephones and other modems also for the record. This is not a shared apartment nor is my equipment shared.

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