
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

I like Springfield, Missouri much better

This is quick update again to add that I like Springfield, Missouri much better.

Also, that I quit using the two new 'smartphones" that were so dumb they could not prevent criminal stalker on them! So I am using my cell phones and my phone number that was listed in telephone directory for me for nine years which is now a cell phone with me here in Springfield in my apt.

I updated more of my blogs and you can see some of them :

I am not linking them on purpose. Type them into your web browser. My blogs have taken me eight months to retrieve after my internet was hijacked in Columbia Missouri in Sept 2017 and then after I moved I had to seriously consider if internet is worth the risk? Not sure about that so am putting art I already posted in past until I can tell if new isp is secure.

Also I am still tweeting and have a new twitter of @GloriaP49210854 and still have my other twitter accounts also. I'm happy when good people follow me but afraid when bad people do.

Today is 24th April 2019 at 12:02pm.

Gloria Poole,RN, artist, Springfield, Missouri