
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Prolife News Affecting all GOOD people

I want to tell everyone about the "National Prolife Cupcake Day" this coming Tuesday.Hundreds of thousands of cupcakes will be handed out on Oct 9th with info on prolife cause. They are a way of commemorating the unborn who died in the womb and whom never had a birth day.

Here are some quotes from newsletters sent to my inbox: "MTV makes pro-life look really uncool, and it has done a powerful job of marketing Planned Parenthood," said Baker. "I want to compete with that through the work of the Holy Spirit and our own ideas." And " The two men also founded Save the Storks, which has a "Stork Bus" equipped with an ultrasound machine to save babies in the Dallas area." See for more info.

Also, Kansas has traditionally been mostly prolife except for the ungodly so-called clinic that was aborting full-term babies. Their legislature refused to vote in the prolife bill the citizens wanted, so hopefully they will change their legislature in November.

Here is some info they sent to me: "The National Pro-Life Alliance has sent an 11-question form to all candidates for the Kansas state legislature seeking opinions on a variety of subjects related to abortion. These include asking if they candidates would institute a personhood law in the state, a ban on sex selection abortion, spousal consent laws, opting out of the Affordable Care Act provision for abortion insurance coverage and a U.S. constitutional amendment banning abortion" & also if they favor "home abortion kits" [abortion at home or anywhere else is stupidest idea I have ever heard] & mandatory ultrasounds before abortions; and " including a parental consent law, a ban on spending taxpayer funds on abortion, and a partial birth abortion ban." And New Jersey's Representative has tried in congress to promote the prolife cause & seems to be taking it to the people and to his religious groups.

I quote from info sent to me: "Too often cheap sophistry shrouds pure evil, U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., told a room full of legal professionals. He urged them to fight for justice and not to allow manipulated language to obscure injustice.

Smith, who is co-chairman of the House Pro-Life Caucus, made his remarks to members of the Catholic Lawyers' Guild of the Archdiocese of Boston at the luncheon following their annual Red Mass. He spoke at South Boston's Seaport Hotel on Sept. 30." And "He called abortion a "serious, lethal violation of fundamental human rights" that requires immediate attention.

"Abortion methods rip, tear and dismember, or chemically poison the fragile bodies of unborn children. There is nothing benign, compassionate or just about an act that utterly destroys the life of a baby and often physically, psychology or emotionally harms the woman," he said."

Please remember that the tiniest humans of all-those in the womb--need the help of grown-ups. there are currently no grown-ups in the White House and very few in Congress. Those in the White House act like teenagers with hormones raging and no self-control or ability to think long-term. If only that was the only problem. I think the real problem is that those in WH don't know The Bible whatsoever or they would not support abortion or sodomy.

I am not Catholic but I am absolutely 100% prolife. There is no excuse for abortion, that GOD will accept because GOD wrote the Commandments in stone and "thou shalt not kill" is one of them. Read Exodus ch 20.

Your vote matters. All votes matter because the future of the U S is hanging in the balance. it is rapidly depopulating and will become less and less important on the world stage. Please vote for Romney --Ryan & Akin from Missouri for U S Senate.

Gloria Poole,RN; @my apt in Missouri; 1:02pm;7-Oct-2012